Emily Carr PAC Executive Team 2024-2025

Chair: Angela Waterlow
Vice Chair: Amy Fabbiano
Secretary: Kim Balfour
Treasurer: Alex Cheng
Event Coordinator: Lydia H
Health and Safety: Mario Francispragasam

Emily Carr Team Leads

Parent Class Rep Coordinator: Lydia H
Hot Lunch Committee:
Inclusivity and Diversity Committee: Kim Balfour and Charlotte Wilkinson
School Wear and Spirit: Angela Waterlow
Safety Committee:
Website: Yumiko S
Yearbook: Lydia H

Emily Carr PAC Members at Large (YOU!)

If your child attends Emily Carr, then you're already part of the PAC! Please send us a hello and connect with the community 👋

What is the Emily Carr Parent Advisory Council (PAC)? It’s all of us! 

According to the School Act, the PAC, through its elected officers, may advise the school board, principal and staff of the school regarding any matter relating to the education of the students and the school. As parent volunteers, we’re committed to working together with Carr families and school staff to connect with our school community and support a positive school experience for our children.


Do you have an idea that could make a positive impact on our community? Would you like to join one of our committees or our volunteer list? Please fill out our Engagement Survey and we will do our best to connect you with the right resource to answer your question. Similarly, you can email us directly at with any questions or comments.